Last projects
At Cyclomed Technologies, we help our customers achieve what they want, we make the impossible possible.
CMT obtained funding in 2020 for a national program called NEOTEC. The NEOTEC Program aims to support the creation and consolidation of technology-based companies. A technology-based company is a company whose activity is focused on the exploitation of products or services that require the use of technologies or knowledge developed from research activity. In the NEOTEC program, CMT committed to a 2-year project in which it will finalize the development and commissioning of the superconducting magnetic system of the cyclotron. To complete this objective 3 work packages were proposed: the optimization of the cryogenic supply system, the optimization of the magnetic system and the commissioning of the superconducting system.
IFAST is an european consortium developing novel technologies for particle accelerators. CYCLOMED participates in the development of a novel Internal RF Ion Source for Cyclotrons. It will overcome the short cathode lifetimes and stability problems of Penning Ion Sources by means of an RF generated plasma. CYCLOMED partpates in: 1. Market analysis (CYCLOMED, GE). 2. Ion Source design (CIEMAT, CYCLOMED, GE). Definition of initial design specifications. 3. Manufacture of prototype, design, purchase and test of the RF power system (CIEMAT, CYCLOMED). 4. Prototype assembly and plasma ignition at CIEMAT’s Ion Source Test Facility.
Doctorados Industriales (DDII) is a Spanish regional program for the training of PhDs in private companies. CMT, in collaboration with CIEMAT, and Comillas Pontifical University has obtained funding to train a PhD and develop an improved cryogenic system. The objective of this project is to have a cryogenic system that operates more efficiently, which would allow to ease the operating conditions of superconducting systems, such as the superconducting cyclotron
The POSEIDON main objective is to demonstrate the applicability of 3 innovative fast-response ESS in waterborne transport (Supercapacitors, Flywheels and SMES) addressing their on-board integration, cost-competitiveness, efficiency, and safety, in relevant environments.
Advanced technologies for radiomedicine
Project developed with support from the Community of Madrid through its aid program for innovative startups and SMEs with high technological intensity (2019), where a compact cyclotron has been developed for the production of short-lived PET isotopes, with applications in diagnosis and medical treatment.